A Passive House saves energy and money: It reduces energy consumption around 80% compared to the levels required by the current applicable regulations. By making a proper design, the investment pays for itself within a few years (especially considering the fast price increase of energy resources).
The heating power that is needed to supply is so small (10kW/m2) that it’s possible to leave out conventional heating systems (e.g. radiators, fan convectors, underfloor heating, etc), and just heat the building through the air supply system, which is eqquiped with a high efficiency heat recovery.
High indoor environmental comfort: The big energy savings, cause of the utilization of energy-efficient construction components and ventilation technology, lead to improved comfort in comparison to a conventional building. Good insulation makes all surfaces in a room equally warm, and present no significant temperature difference among them (<3 ° C), which ensures high levels of comfort.
Due to the high surface temperatures and the use of a effective ventilation system, there is no possibility of moisture nor mold production on the surfaces.
Besides, the pollen-free air and low dust content in passive houses don’t only appeal to people suffering from allergies and asthma. Poor bedroom air quality during the night due to windows that can’t be opened on account of noise or frost aren’t an issue in passive houses, since they are eqquipped with mechanical ventilation systems.